Communication is the solvent of all the problems

Communication is the deed of conveying, receiving, and sharing information with others. It isn’t just about talking.
It’s also about dynamic listening. Listening with the intent to comprehend and act upon what is being expressed.
It is the fundamental building block for the thriving of the society of every living being.
Humans being social creatures, the need for proper communication rises by ten folds. We encounter thousands of people in our lifetime, and one thing that connects all of us is communication.
We communicate to form the bridge of friendship, we communicate to establish a relation, we communicate to express ourselves, we communicate to state our stances, and the list goes on.
If we sit down to nitpick over all the reasoning to communicate, even our lifetime won’t be enough.

So what makes communication so essential?
Communication is the crossroad where every aspect of humans meets.
From nurturing trust for building a concrete relationship to getting hold of diverse opportunities, unraveling all your hidden potentials.
It fosters the decision-making process and provides a medium to stand out from the hurdled crowd, expressing your ideology in front of the world.
What if people stop communicating?
Imagine a world where no one talks, there is no self-expression, understanding, or connection. Isn’t it sounds so lonesome?
The absence of proper communication will render you not only mentally but physically too.
We know that social skills are associated with mental health problems like depression and anxiety.

Social skills are also predictive of poorer physical health. It is seen that people with skimpy social skills have elevated levels of stress and loneliness in their lives.
This often leads to low self-esteem and incapability to participate or feel competent.
And gradually starts to hinder the process of self-development and learning abilities.
These kinds of problems are often neglected, but in reality, the consequence of long-term stress has a tremendous impact on your health.

Communication and mental health
“Communicate even when it’s uncomfortable or uneasy. One of the best ways to heal is simply getting out everything.”
Open and transparent communication is the key to dealing with issues more effectively and efficiently before they get out of control or pivot into something greater.

When communication is lacking or non-existent, those more petty things can build into more tangible things that harm relationships and mental health.
Effective communication unlocks the gates of immense opportunities.
It’s a freedom, an assurity that you aren’t alone at this struggle, and it’s okay to feel a certain way. It may be challenging to unveil your thoughts, but it’s a much better alternative than just struggling by yourself in silence.

Though we can all communicate, we might not be communicating the way we should be, but we just might be unaware of it. The only way to enhance ourselves and manage poor communication and its influence on our mental health is to change our mindset.
Why do people find it difficult to communicate?
Everybody communicates in their unique way. And it is influenced by the way you are affected by cultural environments, how you are raised, gender, temperament, and much more.
For that reason, what you want to say maybe perceived differently by the other person you are talking to. Thus misinterpretations inevitably lead to frustration and trouble.
Occasionally you may encounter a demanding situation for understanding another’s sentiments, needs, and habits. The intimacy you want slowly drifts apart without comprehending modesty, patience, and sincere communication.
On the other hand, you also have an array of different emotions that can thwart effective communication.
The problem is that there is a constant buzz of fear of being judged. You are extra cautious around people you know because you want to maintain the overly good persona in front of them. This deters effective communication as you tend to bend your thoughts according to the other person’s point of view.

What if we don’t have to show who we are and still get to express ourselves?
This will erase the possibility of being constantly on edge and biased towards a specific person’s perspective. Instead, it will unfold the prospect of being more open with your thoughts.
This idea clearly highlights anonymity.

PingMe application takes into consideration the essentiality of anonymity to provide its users with a more open and better communication facility.
How anonymity can boost communication?
Researchers have found that anonymity can divulge personality traits hidden by face-to-face interactions.
It masks what the world sees and unveils the mask from what the world doesn’t.

It helps give voice to the inner voicelessness and build the bridge with true self and communication. It provides a platform to witness and be known for your own and others’ perspectives.
Whether it’s grief, a pang of guilt, your confessions, or your inner commitments to yourself, every bit of you which often goes unheard is deserves to be out of the cage of consciousness.
It deserves to be known not only for others but for yourself to help you grow into a better person.

And what’s the best way to conceal yourself and let your inner selves be seen and understood. Anonymous communication outshines every form of conversation out there at this point.